September 10, 2008

Shark Bait

     While staying with our friend in Denmark, Steve, Eline and I had a unique opportunity to visit and dive at an aquarium, shark center and dive resort, the Kattegatcentret.  The Kattegatcentret is unique in that it's probably the only dive center in the world that offers confined water dives in an aquarium.  Not only did we have an opportunity to check out Denmark's natural marine fauna exhibited in the aquarium, but we were able to jump into a tank filled to the brim with huge sharks.
     The shark tank is huge, over 550,000 liters, and contains Zebra, Wobbegong, Nurse, Sand Tiger, Sand Bar, Lemon, Reef Sharks, huge rays and all sorts of fish, eels, and smaller sharks.  Once a year, divers are permitted to dive into the tank with a cage, but we had special permission to dive without a cage.  It wasn't the first time I had been in the water with sharks, but I had never been in the water with so many, or with any nearly as large as this.  The largest sharks at the Kattegatcentret are definitely over 2  meters in length.  The aquarium was really well done, and the sharks were incredibly beautiful.  I have to give Lars and Teddy a huge thank you for arranging the experience for us, it was fantastic!

Eline, Steve, Jamie, Teddy & Lars

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