September 7, 2008

The Greatest Beer in the World

     Before I depart Europe for Egypt, I've been staying with Steve and Eline at a friend's house in Denmark.  While visiting a friend in Copenhagen I had a remarkable beer experience I thought I'd share with everyone.
     A few years ago, my friend Alan and I read about a type of beer called Westvleteren.  Westvleteren is an ale from Belgium, brewed by Trappist monks inside the Abbey of Saint Sixtus near Ypres, Belgium.  Besides being extremely rare, Westvleteren ales have long been considered by beer connoisseurs to be some of the, if not the finest beer in the world.  At the time, Alan's sister was studying in Paris, and we nearly convinced her to drive to the Westvleteren Abbey in Belgium and purchase a case for us (Westvleteren can only be purchased one case a month per person, at the Abbey and only with a reservation!).  Alas, our plan never came to fruition and I thought that neither of us would have a chance to try Westvleteren ever again.  Luckily I was wrong.
     Some friends and I were in a bar in Copenhagen that supposedly has been ranked very highly  internationally as a beer bar.  I was talking about Trappist ales with the proprietor when he mentioned that he happened to have a very hard to find bottle of Westvleteren 8 ale.  Although it was obviously a little more expensive than a pint of PBR, I couldn't say no.  It was definitely one of the best beers I've ever tasted, full of body and flavor.  The only thing that would have improved the experience would have been to have Alan there to share it with.  We'll just have to go on a road-trip to Westvleteren!


Anonymous said...

deluxzilla's shot gun in Tibet got nothing on this!


Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You buy an amazing beer and there is no shotgunning, no beer bonging ... not even a get crunked up match? What is this? PS — A-lan is never allowed to post at DeluxZilla again after the blasphemous comment he just made.

Anonymous said...

thanks for reminding us that get crunked up was one of the greatest games of all time... it would have been even better with old chub though!