June 10, 2008

A Week in Wilmington

I've just arrived in High Springs, Florida, after finishing my first week on the road as the 2008 scholar.  I spent the week with Doug Kesling (NA Scholar 1983) in Wilmington, North Carolina.  It was great to kick off my year with a former scholar and Doug was a terrific host.  I spent most of the week sitting in on Doug's scientific diver course at UNCW, working to finish my rescue diver certification.  It was really a great week because not only did the other students and I get to dive and hang out with Doug, but Scott Fowler and Glen Taylor from NURC and Ken Oots also helped out with the class, and it was a lot of fun hanging out and diving with them.  I really liked my classmates, and Doug's job at NURC seems really rewarding and enjoyable (for the most part).  Hopefully I'll have a chance to meet up with Doug and/or Scott later on down to the road for some diving, or maybe even to take a look at the Aquarius habitat.

While I was in Wilmington, I also got to meet up with Stef Misner (NA Scholar 2002) and her husband Ian.  Besides taking me out to dinner and to the beach, Stef arranged for me to visit the NC aquarium.  I was lucky enough to be able to dive (with sand tigers) in the aquarium's largest tank.  Stef also gave me a personalized tour of the entire facility and introduced me to the aquarium's diving officer, Brian.  It wasn't the biggest aquarium I've ever seen, but the exhibits were incredible, and it's focus on local ecosystems was really great.

It was tough to leave North Carolina.  The people I met and dove with were great, and it reminded me of California (in a good way).  I started trying to learn how to use my camera, and there are a few clips here, just to give you an idea of what I've been up to.  I'll put some stills up when I get a chance.  So far I'm having an awesome time in Florida, so keep checking back!


Anonymous said...

Woh - reeely greeeen on that Liberty Ship dive! Is that all chlorophyll a or is it a camera/color balance artifact?

Anonymous said...

so did you ever think you would be observed and studied as an underwater creature yourself?

Anonymous said...

that's so rad! the aquarium video was clearly my favorite... probably because i was at the georgia aquarium a few weeks ago and yeah. awesome.

miss you bud!