June 18, 2008

Key Largo

I'm currently down in Key Largo, hangin out with Captain Spencer Slate, who owns and runs the Atlantis Dive Center (check it out).  I've been working on my Divemaster for a few days, diving and exploring the keys.  I drove all day on Saturday to get down here, and arrived at Captain Slate's Atlantis Dive Center at about 5 pm, expecting to just be able to chill out, grab a bite to eat and relax.  I was way off.  Less than an hour after I arrived I was on a boat running out to do a twilight dive on the Spiegel Grove.  It was an incredible.  We were the only divers on the huge 510-foot wreck.  The current was almost non-existent and the visibility was probably a little north of 80 feet.  Luckily I managed to set up my camera wrong, and not realize till I was already halfway down the anchor line.  I'll have other chances to dive the wreck, so I'm sure I'll be able to get some good video, but I doubt I'll have another chance in conditions as perfect as that.  I've spent the rest of my time here hanging out with Hunter, Slate's 7-year old son (reminds a lot of my cousin Eric) and working on my divemaster with my instructor Skip.  I'll post some more photos and maybe some video when I get a chance.  I've also added some pictures to my Picasa account so check them out.


Anonymous said...

How deep is Der Spiegel?

Jamie Brisbin Is Currently In: said...

60 feet to the top of her superstructure, 134 feet to the sand. The main decks are at 80-100 feet, and the prevailing currents have dug out her props at around 145 feet.

Anonymous said...

what still camera are you using?

Anonymous said...

Here's the Wiki link:


6 diver fatalities on this wreck so far - 3 last year. Divers use caution.

Anonymous said...

hunter sure did like your camera!