August 12, 2008

Leaving Norway

Steve, Carlo, Eline and I on the Once Ocean boat    
     Eline Steve and I have begun to make our way back to København to catch our flight to Reykjavik.  We've spent the last week as guests of Carlo Golfetto and Trond Jarle Repvik at One Ocean Dive Center in Kristiansand, Norway (Check it out on Facebook and YouTube).  The three of us stayed at Carlo's apartment in Kristiansand and spent most of our week diving and wakeboarding.  Kristiansand is famous for its incredible wrecks, especially that of the M/S Seattle, and diving along the steep walls of the fjord was beautiful.  The water was surprisingly warm (almost 60°F at the surface) and the visibility was usually excellent once you dropped below the thermocline.
     Carlo was an incredible host, and One Ocean was a great place to dive.  He always made sure we had plenty of espresso and fresh cooked pasta or fish soup between dives, and the dive center was setup with great showers, changing rooms and compressors.  Trond Jarle took us wakeboarding and was a great guy to dive with as well.  We also had the pleasure of diving with Christian Skauge of Dykking magazine, who's writing a story about the scholarship.  All three of us had an excellent time, and it was hard to leave.
     We're not too broken up thought because our next stop is Reykjavik!  I should also take a second to direct you to Steve Lindfield's photos and blog.  I've been remiss in not mentioning his sites before now.  He's an excellent photographer, check out his stuff.

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